Egypt – what a mess. Limbo-land and nobody quite knows what the outcome will be. It is very bad news that the present situation and climate of uncertainty is continuing with violence and bloodshed. I feel this really could have been avoided.
We were in Egypt in December during the elections - they were farcical, and considered a joke by most of the population.
But electoral corruption can be sorted out and it is a great pity that the situation has been allowed to develop to this state. Unlike the princely thieves (or thieving princes) of the Gulf states who are absolute dictators any talk of democracy will get you in jail, Egypt has a modicum of democracy - no, it is certainly not perfect - but at least it is on the road to democracy as we know it.
The problem with Hosni Mubarak is that he is surrounded by yes men and takes no advice from anyone. He suffers from Emperors New Clothes syndrome and is not in touch with the people. The eagerly awaited TV statement was akin to Richard Keys's 'resignation' speech on Talksport radio - an utter disaster.
Andy Coulson, David Cameron's ex Director of Communications, and the man who was allegedly able to translate the mood of the common people, to the posh boy David, I think could have done a much better job for Hosni Mubarak. Just think Andy Coulson saving lives – a far cry from making up lurid 'stories' at NOTW and later at No. 10.
Think of this scenario, Ahmed Elcoulson ElPresidente's new press supremo, jets in and tells Hosni to tear up the prepared speech. "I'm sorry Mr President I think we need to work on an exit strategy that will work". He gets the biro out and starts scribbling some notes. Later Hosni Mubarak takes to the TV.
To the background music of 'Fields of Barley' by Sting
“Good people of Egypt, I am talking to you tonight as I fully understand your concerns for the future of our Nation. I love our country and its people. I have listened to what you the people have said.
What many of you might not know, is that despite my eternally dark brown hair, I am a man of 82 years. I am not young - I am much nearer the end of my life than the beginning. I am also well past the state retirement age - I stayed on only to serve the needs of our country.
But everything has to end. I have had discussions with my family, and I believe it is now time for me to retire from government and politics, so that I can spend more time with my family. I plan to spend time fishing, and relaxing in the vast fields of cotton that have made this nation so great.
I am resigning as President with immediate effect from tonight. The Government will be dissolved and fresh elections will be held within 90 days. International observers under the auspices of the United nations will monitor these to ensure that the elections are free and fair.
Good citizens I sincerely thank you for your support over these many years.
God bless you all.”
I think it would have been meerkat simples.
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